Returning to Work After Maternity Leave

Here is a guest blog about returning to work after maternity leave has ended from Abby Kennedy-Brown. Abby is a wife and mum of 2 children, a 4 year old girl and a 5 month old boy. She works for the NHS and volunteers for Early Nourishment as a Social Media...

Good Breastfeeding Support

What does good support look like? When looking for good breastfeeding support, you may be confused. There are endless websites and companies claiming to offer advice or support. Furthermore, the titles in breastfeeding and infant feeding support are not protected. So...

Breastfeeding Brunch Barnstaple

National Breastfeeding Week 2021 The 21st-27th of June was Breastfeeding Celebration Week as a part of Breastfeeding Awareness month. Early Nourishment is here to support all parents no matter how they choose to feed their babies. So we couldn’t miss an...

When Words Work (as a new parent)

It’s no secret – parenting is hard! Whether you’re a brand new parent trying to cope with the struggles of a whole new world of sleep deprivation, sore nipples and trying to understand the needs of this tiny dependent being that doesn’t yet speak your...