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Nourished feeding drop-ins
Our Nourished feeding drop-ins are the place to come for free evidence-based support with feeding your child, whether you’re breastfeeding, bottle feeding or a bit of both! We work closely with local services including maternity & health visiting to ensure that we are meeting their governance standards so you can feel confident in coming to us for support.
Though we recognise that there are distinct public health benefits to breastfeeding, we also know that it’s often not as simple as breastfeeding or not. We also know that it is important to consider the impacts of parental mental health on a child’s wellbeing. That’s why at our drop-ins we are keen to:
A study by J.Holcombe (2017) also highlights the need for feeding support to cover all types of feeding:
“Breast milk and formula feeding are often presented as either/or options in literature for new parents as well as in policy initiatives. However, in lived experience, many mothers find themselves combining breast milk and formula and finding little information on how to maintain as much milk supply as possible when they desire to do so. Thus, public health initiatives may be well served to focus on trying to help mothers maintain some level of breastfeeding even after formula has been introduced. While this will not address the breastfeeding goals regarding exclusivity, it could be a significant factor in increasing rates of breastfeeding duration”
You can book your space now on our Eventbrite page.