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North Devon & Torridge Breastfeeding Support
We founded the ‘North Devon & Torridge Breastfeeding Support’ group in 2017. It is a great group for mums who are looking for breastfeeding-related support. The group, much like our drop-ins, has our peer supporters providing evidence-based support; with Hannah a breastfeeding counsellor on hand for complex areas of support.
Many women find that it can be helpful to join the group when pregnant so they can read some of the previous posts, ask questions & get a feel for how their feeding journey may look.
If you search ‘weekend chat’ in the group then you will find previous discussion threads we have had in the group relating to FAQs.
Early Nourishment Online
As soon as the UK COVID19 ‘lockdown’ was announced we realised that we needed to adapt our service & immediately set up ‘Early Nourishment Online’ as a platform to continue to host our groups as well as various other online content. Whilst all our services are now back face to face, the group is still a hive of support & information. This space is for all parents in North Devon & Torridge, with feeding peer support on-hand if needed.
The group is moderated by Early Nourishment staff team, who facilitate a nurturing, inclusive & evidence based space.