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Baby & Toddler groups North Devon & Torridge

In Summer 2019 we were approached by North Devon Voluntary Services who were aware of our service & were supporting North Devon Children’s Centre with a change to their funding.

Historically the Children’s Centers had provided universally accessible support, however, due to funding changes they are now only able to provide support to targeted groups. This left them unable to continue to fund two of their volunteer led groups ‘Babbling Babies’ & ‘Little Pebbles’ in Barnstaple.



Little Pebbles

From the pandemic onwards these groups have been a stay and play in Rock Park Barnstaple.

It is a nature walk around Rock Park, led by our Play Worker Emma, including a fun activity and songs. It is for children aged walking to around 5, however, parents with younger babies are welcome to attend so that babies can enjoy the sensory experiences and parents can chat to one another! 
Check Whats On to check for other groups and activities we have 

Baby Massage

We run baby massage courses and workshops through North Devon and Torridge. We have 4-week courses running consecutively at our premises in Barnstaple, as well as courses of 4 or 6 weeks every half-term in various other locations. We also hold special workshops in some locations including South Molton and BIdeford. Follow our page on Eventbrite to be the first to know about upcoming courses!

Each baby massage class is taught by a qualified baby massage instructor. Equipment and refreshments are provided, and as with all of our activities, classes are always free.