Latest blog Posts
Understanding Postnatal Depression
Postnatal depression (PND), also known as postpartum depression (or sometimes perinatal depression), is a type of mood disorder that can affect both mothers and fathers after the birth of a child. It’s a complex mix of physical, emotional, and behavioural changes that happen in some women and parents after giving birth. read more
Simple Halloween Crafts for Kids
I don’t know about yours, but in this house my kids LOVE Halloween, it’s not about the sweets (well maybe just a bit about the sweets…) they just love the atmosphere & the ghoulishness. Being on a weekend too this year means we can make the most of it with a day...
Babies born in lockdown
Reflections of the challenges parents of babies born in lockdown are facing from Hannah Ashford Breastfeeding Counsellor
How bed sharing saved my sanity…
Beth, EN peer supporter, shares her experience of safely bed sharing with her baby; realizing that it enabled her & her family to get the sleep they all needed!
Toxic positivity & motherhood
Hannah Ashford, Breastfeeding Counsellor, shares her experience of supporting mothers & reflections on the damage that can be caused by ‘toxic positivity’
Breastfeeding – the art of juggling newborn twins
Being a twin mum, tandem feeding became an essential skill for surviving the ‘newborn’ phase and beyond when breastfeeding twins. Lots of mums also find themselves tandem feeding an infant and an older child; so it’s not a skill just reserved for multiples! But I’m...
Maternal Suicide – the silent thief of mothers
A blog from Alice, one of our Early Nourishment Directors, on maternal suicide. Raising awareness for #worldsuicidepreventionday & #maternalsuicideawarenessweek
Breastfeeding in Lockdown – Beths Story #WBW2020
Another of the Breastfeeding in Lockdown stories shared for #WBW2020. This time Beth shares her story & the surprise silver linings of having a baby during lockdown
Life as a military spouse – motherhood & finding support
So I was due baby number 3 in November 2019; at the same time my husband was due to deploy to Estonia. We had no idea if he was even going to be home for the birth. Suddenly all my plans for birth, wanting to breastfeed and parenting my new born were in tatters.
On depression & becoming a mother
Fay shares her experience of life with depression & becoming a mother. The ups, the downs & the moment she decided it was time to reach out for support.
5 Simple play ideas for a lazy Sunday!
Stuck for ideas of what to play with your preschooler? With a lot of our favourite places closed or restrictions in place currently due to coronavirus we thought we'd share some ideas. Here are some simple play ideas for a lazy Sunday or wet afternoon! 1. Hide and...